The Nullarbor continued – Balladonia, 90 Mile Sign, Caiguna Blowhole and Cocklebiddy… and a bit beyond!

90 Mile Sign

Yesterday we crossed the longest stretch of straight road in Australia – the whole 90 miles (146.6km) of the Eyre Highway.

Australian Animal Road Sign

90 Mile Sign Nullabor

Balladonia and Caiguna Blowhole

Before that, we filled up at Balladonia Roadhouse, where we also stopped for a play at the playground and let the dogs out for a run. The downside to the Balladonia playground was that the slide was from metal, so it was too hot to use… and the slide was the only thing at that playground! Also, the petrol and the coffee were ridiculously highly priced, even compared to other towns on the Nullabor. Taking our coffee machine on this trip was one of the best decisions ever! The upside was that there were toilets and they were in excellent, clean condition!

When we hit the 90 mile stretch, the change in scenery from trees to shrubs happened within a split second. We couldn’t believe it! At one point the horizon was so flat, it seemed to just drop off. We even remarked how possible it was for people to think that the world was truly flat all those years ago.

We stopped briefly at Caiguna Blowhole, it was right next to the highway. It would have been very easy to accidentally drive right past it, down towards the ocean – where we expected the blowhole.

Caiguna Blowhole Nullabor


Though a scenic drive down to the beach would have been lovely, with the amount of water we can carry, we really need to get to Ceduna in a couple of days.

So a big “thank you” goes to the traveller before us (who obvioulsly did that extra 80 or so kilometres down to the beach looking for the blowhole) for writing in big letters that this is it, the Caiguna Blowhole, on a rubbish bin with an arrow!

Highlight: a desert cockroach the kids got to hold! Check out this video of Miss5 having a cute moment where she kind of wants to hold it, but not really!!

Cocklebiddy and busy bees!

Finding a place to sleep was not an easy feat – we stopped at three rest areas before settling in for the night. The first place, near Cocklebiddy, was filled with swarming bees. The moment we realised, we decided to move on to a place another 12kms down the road… only to have the same problem! We ate dinner at the second location though, before it got really bad and we decided to move on.

Cocklebiddy Nullabor Travelling Family

Whoever wrote the sign in the above photo forgot to include, right underneath those kangaroos:

“BEES 9,999,999”!!

We ended up staying the night at Maduna Look Out, which was beautiful and bee-free.

We set off very early in the morning, driving towards the sun and Eucla.

Do you have any stories to share with us?

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